Identifying the type of transition experienced by newly qualified physics teachers entering the workplace
This study is contextualised in terms of the international historical need to provide evidence-based professional learning to contribute to high-quality teaching. Evidence-based teacher professional learning is central to fostering adaptive teaching practices that cater for diverse student needs and strive to achieve learning outcomes tailored for the twenty-first century (Timperley and Alton-Lee 2008). One way of collecting evidence to support professional learning is through learning from the experiences of others using the lens of our own encounters to produce rich insight and perspective for our practice (Brookfield 1998; Harland 2014). For example, if you are looking for a good hairdresser, it is likely that you would ask a trusted friend for a recommendation even if you have different hair colour or length. In the same way, we can learn lessons from the experiences (discover patterns emerging from experience (Thomas 2011)) of other teachers transitioning to the workplace in an effort to support future novice teachers. Considering the process of how teachers transition into the workplace (both professionally and personally) can highlight opportunities for embedding meaningful professional learning opportunities
Irish Educational StudiesPublisher
Routledge Taylor & Francis GroupExternal identifier
Department or School
- School of Education