Medical management of acute upper respiratory infections in an urban primary care out-of-hours facility: crosssectional study of patient presentations and expectations
Objectives The purpose of this study was to examine the
expectations of patients attending an urban primary care
out-of-hours (OOH) facility with acute upper respiratory
tract infection (acute URTI) regarding clinical examination,
symptom management, information on their condition,
reassurance, antibiotic treatment and other possible
options including referral.
Design Cross-sectional design.
Setting One urban primary care OOH facility located in
the midwest of Ireland.
Participants 457 patients filled out a questionnaire while
waiting in the OOH facility; 22 surveys were excluded as
the patients did not present with symptoms of acute URTI
resulting in 435 patients’ data being included in this study.
There were 59.5% female participants and 40.5% male
Results 435 patients with acute URTI symptoms
participated in the survey, representing 25.4% of those
attending the single branch where the survey was
conducted (n=1715). Of the study participants, 43%
were aged under 6 years and 60% were women. The
most common presenting symptoms were cough (72%),
throat ache (46%) and common cold (26%). The most
common expectations were for further examination (53%),
reassurance (51%), information (49%) and medication for
cough (47%), with 34% expecting an antibiotic.
Conclusions Only one in three patients attending this
primary care OOH facility with acute URTI symptoms had
an expectation of antibiotics, with most seeking further
assessment, information and reassurance. Recognition
of such expectations may be important considerations
for clinicians when deciding on management options for
patients with acute URTI.
BMJ Open;9. e025396
Other Funding information
Irish College of General Practitioners Research and Education Foundation