posted on 2021-09-09, 11:40authored byÁine Kearns, Helen Kelly, Ian Pitt
Background: Speech and language therapy can provide beneficial
outcomes in post-stroke aphasia rehabilitation, and intensity is a key
component of a successful programme. Information and communication technologies (ICT) may offer an option for the provision of
intensive rehabilitation but the views of those undertaking this mode
of rehabilitation must be considered to ensure motivation and adherence with self-administered rehabilitation. There is no consensus
measure for recording feedback from people with aphasia on user
experience of ICT-delivered aphasia rehabilitation. This paper reports
on the collaborative development of a feedback questionnaire with
people with aphasia for people with aphasia.
Aims: There are three research aims (i) to develop a questionnaire to
facilitate feedback on ICT-delivered aphasia rehabilitation by collaboratively working with people with aphasia in the design process,
(ii) to describe the development process and the co-design techniques employed, and (iii) to explore the experiences of co-designers in
the development process.
Methods & Procedures: Using public patient involvement (PPI) in
health research, a co-design process was employed throughout 6
group workshops. Six people with aphasia (43 to 76 years of age)
with a range of aphasia severities (Western Aphasia Battery
Aphasia Quotient range 24.4–83) engaged in the co-design process. The final product, an online user feedback questionnaire, was
developed. Individual exit interviews were carried out with the codesigners after the workshops, and a thematic analysis of the
interview data was completed.
Outcomes & Results: The final questionnaire provides an outcome
measure that investigates: cognitive workload, satisfaction, programme functionality and ease of use, and the level of assistance
required when engaging in ICT-delivered aphasia rehabilitation. It is
presented as an online survey in an aphasia-accessible format.
Following the co-design experience, four themes were identified
within the exit interviews: Group Dynamics, Balance of Complexity of
Tasks, Reflection on Abilities and Positive Experience. The co-design
process provided opportunities for social interaction with other people
with aphasia and allowed co-designers to reflect on their own abilities.
The workshops were considered accessible and facilitated their engagement in the co-design process. The process was inclusive and
the co-designers reported feeling comfortable about contributing in
the workshops and this was also noted in their feedback in the individual exit interviews.
Conclusion: People with aphasia can, and should, be included in
all stages of the aphasia research process and especially in the
development and design of evaluation measures for use by people
with aphasia.
Aphasiology;34 (3), pp. 319-342
Taylor and Francis
This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article whose final and definitive form, the Version of Record, has been published in Aphasiology 2020, 34 (3), pp. 319-342 copyright Taylor & Francis, available online at: