This paper examines the impact of tax competition on the commodfication of
ideas, and points towards a particular set of negative consequences that
affect the developing world. As multinational business becomes increasingly
independent of national borders, the power relationship between business
and government has shifted from one in which governments imposed tax on
business in return for the privilege of operating within its jurisdiction, to one in
which governments distort their tax system to suit business, in the hope of
enticing them to locate on their shores. The race to the bottom in terms of tax
rates has been well-chronicled in studies such as Christensen et al (2004),
and Murphy (2006)
Countries which were successful at the first round of tax competition are now
finding that tax rates alone will not hold the multinationals on which they have
become so dependent. The economic growth associated with their earlier
success has brought high operating and wage costs. Multinationals who have
remained lightly rooted in the soil of these countries can easily move their
manufacturing to cheaper, emerging economies, taking with them their
coveted jobs and exports. In order to retain them, these first round winning
countries are now encouraging multinationals to locate their research and
development as well as their production facilities with them. They hope that
this is a less mobile activity, less easily replicated in a developing country, and
so will anchor the multinational firmly in their territory.
In this new level of the tax competition game, incentives are given not only for
gross production, but for the production of knowledge. As a consequence,
knowledge itself becomes commodified, and intellectual capital widely defined
and privatised. This means that ideas previously shared must now be bought,
and products previously sold at a price determined by the local market may
now only be sold if the market can support their original, patent-protected
This paper tracks the development from the old to the new rules of tax
competition, using the example of Ireland to illustrate the strategies adopted
at each stage. The rational, self-serving response of multinationals is
explored, and the immediate downstream effects for developing countries
discussed. The writings of Michel Foucault are used to gain perspective on
the idea of intellectual capital. Finally, the sustainability of the new form of tax
competition is questioned, and some hypotheses are formed about the longterm consequences.
Accountancy Business and the Public Interest;7 (1)