posted on 2019-02-22, 15:52authored byMarica Cassarino, Marta Maisto, Ylenia Esposito, Davide Guerrero, Jason Seeho Chan, Annalisa Setti
Objectives: Attention Restoration Theory (ART) suggests that walking or being in
natural settings, as opposed to urban environments, benefits cognitive skills because
it is less demanding on attentional resources. However, it is unclear whether the same
occurs when the person is performing a complex task such as driving, although it is
proven that driving through different road environments is associated with different levels
of fatigue and may engage attention differently. The present study investigated whether
exposure to rural vs. urban road environments while driving would affect attentional
capacity in young people after the drive, in line with the classic ART paradigms.
Methods: We asked 38 young participants to complete the Sustained Attention to
Response Task (SART) before and after being exposed to a rural or urban road in a virtual
reality environment while driving in a full vehicle immersive driving simulator. Changes
in SART performance based on environmental exposure where explored in terms of
target sensitivity, accuracy, reaction times, and inverse efficiency. We analyzed potential
road type effects on driving speed and accuracy. Possible effects of driving on attention
were tested by comparing the sample performance to that of a control group of 15
participants who did not drive and sat on the passenger seat instead.
Results: Exposure to rural or urban road environments in the driving sample was not
associated with any significant changes in attentional performance. The two exposure
groups did not differ significantly in terms of driving behavior. Comparisons between the
driving sample and the control group controlling for age indicated that participants who
drove were more accurate but slower at the SART than those who were passengers.
Conclusion: The present study does not support the hypothesis that a short drive
in a natural setting may promote attention restoration as compared to an urban
setting. Methodological considerations as well as recommendations for future research
are discussed.
Frontiers in Psychology;10, article 250
Frontiers Media
First published by Frontiers Media in Frontiers Psychology 2019, 10, aticle 250