posted on 2014-02-25, 15:51authored byXi Li, Anthony Ventresque, Nicola Stokes, James Thorburn, John Murphy
Server consolidation is an important problem in
any enterprise, where capital allocators (CAs) must approve
any cost saving plans involving the acquisition or allocation of
new assets and the decommissioning of inefficient assets. Our
paper describes iVMp an interactive VM placement algorithm,
that allows CAs to become ‘agile’ capital allocators that can
interactively propose and update constraints and preferences
as placements are recommended by the system. To the best
of our knowledge this is the first time that this interactive
VM placement recommendation problem has been addressed
in the academic literature. Our results show that the proposed
algorithm finds near optimal solutions in a highly efficient
IEEE 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing;pp. 950-951