The goal of this project was to accurately predict the ultimate failure strengths of fibre
reinforced polymer matrix composite open hole tension specimens using the Ladevèze
continuum mechanics damage model, currently available within the ESI Group Pam-CRASH
software, using input parameters experimentally derived at the University of Limerick.
This report presents the work carried out at the University of Limerick, both experimental and
numerical, as part of the project. Results of an experimental test series carried out to derive
Ladevèze damage model parameters for a carbon fibre reinforced polymer matrix composite
are presented and discussed. In addition, the results of a numerical study carried out to
calibrate the Ladevèze damage model, used to predict the ultimate strength of fibre reinforced
open hole tension specimens are presented and discussed.
Section 2 presents the procedures used and results of an experimental test series to derive
Ladevèze damage model parameters. Section 3 presents the numerical work carried out at the
University of Limerick as part of this project.