For over 20 years, University of Limerick
(UL) scholars have conducted highly
regarded empirical research on various
dimensions of employment practice
(EP) in multinational companies (MNCs)
studying the impact of labour and human
resource management (HRM) practices
on the attraction and retention of foreign
direct investment (FDI).
The impact of this research is evident
in three areas. First, it has informed
policy across a range of issues, including
employee representation and the
attraction and retention of FDI. Second,
professional bodies such as the Chartered
Institute of Personnel and Development
(CIPD), the Services, Industrial and
Professional Trade Union (SIPTU) and
the Labour Relations Commission attest
that our research has shaped their policy
and that of the HR/IR profession. Third,
at practice level the research has shed
light on a range of issues, including
the impact of the global financial crisis
on employment practice, employee
representation and voice, succession
planning and talent management; it
has allowed practitioners in MNCs to
benchmark their employment practices
against comparable organisations,
identify best practices, and effect
change in employment practices in their
Study on Aerodynamic Characteristics Control of Slender Body Using Active Flow Control Technique