University of Limerick

An exploration of wellbeing provision in the junior cycle within the education and training board (ETB) sector in the context of a whole school approach and guidance counselling delivery

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posted on 2020-01-17, 10:07 authored by Christine Lawlor
The primary aim of this research is to examine the provision of a whole school approach to Wellbeing in Junior Cycle with specific reference to the curriculum and guidance provision. The objective it to provide recommendations for the development of a whole school approach to Wellbeing in post primary schools within the ETB sector. The Junior Cycle Wellbeing Programme was introduced in post primary schools in September 2017. In 2015 the DES Framework for Junior Cycle identified Wellbeing as a curricular area that would comprise of CSPE, SPHE, PE and Guidance Education (DES, 2015). Other modules and learning experiences through other subject areas can also be included alongside these subject areas including Guidance in order to provide 300 hours timetabled for Wellbeing at Junior Cycle. This will be increased by 400 by 2020 (NCCA, 2017). This study will scrutinise current practice in schools and will consider the challenges involved in the delivery of the Wellbeing Programme. A positivist approach was utilised in this study to collect data (Gray, 2014). This involved surveying 96 post primary teaching staff directly involved in the delivery of the Wellbeing Programme in nine ETB schools through the use of an online survey. The findings were exported and organised in Microsoft Excel and the data was analysed. The quantitative data is presented in graphical and numerical format. It includes qualitative data pertinent to the specific survey questions. The key findings of this study highlight that the Wellbeing programme is still in the early days of development. The findings illuminate concerns from the respondents about factors involved in the delivery of the Wellbeing Programme that could potentially impact on students’ opportunity to enhance their physical, emotional and social wellbeing. The main challenges identified are the lack of collaboration amongst school staff and the need for more structured guidelines in the delivery and evaluation of the programme. Finally a number of recommendations are put forward to inform future policy, practice and research.



  • Master (Research)

First supervisor

Hearne, Lucy





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