This thesis is primarily an exploratory study undertaken to evaluate
the role and application of management development in the context of
the small firm and its contribution to the improved performance and
success of the firm.
The study is set in the context of an industrial environment which is
actively involved in encouraging the development of small firms, as an
important contributing factor to the economic climate and for the
creation of employment.
Literature is reviewed which provides an understanding of the
motivations of individuals to start in business, and the associated
stages of development. It specifically highlights the low level of
involvement of owner/managers in development programmes and addresses this issue. This examines the impact of influencing factors such as the personal objectives of the manager, their behaviour, management style etc. have on the level of part participation in management development programmes.
The case study method is used to obtain greater detail and knowledge
of the subject in the context of the small firm. The empirical data
ezamined the level of participation of four owner/managers in the
various programmes.
The evidence from analysis of the case studies suggests that managers
who participate in management development programmes in the early
stages of the company life cycle perform better, in the areas of
decision making, planning and, the other general management functions.
A number of variables contributed to individuals participating in
programmes, these included push factors such as forced by bank
manager, project officer, or needed some assistance to rectify
escalating problems in the firm. Pull factors also influenced
decisions, i.e. where the owner/manager themselves recognised their
own management inadequacies and decided to participate on management
development programmes.
The most preferred type of programme is one which is based on a
flexible distance learning basis, where managers can learn at their
convenience and not interfere with their work schedule. An
interactive non-academic approach was preferred, where negotiating,
videos, case studies etc are used to develop the participants.
Discussions with the supply side indicated the difficulties of
attracting participants on the programmes and the problems of pricing
these courses to suit the limited resources of the small firm. The
research concludes by providing a model outline to assist in programme
design and the development of a hypothesis which will be used for the
basis of further longitudinal research.