The quality of the communication between instructors and students has been
shown to be one of the key factors in the quality of the learning experience of
students. However, as is often the case in higher education, communication
between instructors and students is very limited due to such factors as large class
sizes, limited contact time and student reluctance to approach instructors. This
research investigates the effect of using text messaging for out-of-class
communication between instructor and student on student perception of the
immediacy of their instructor. Immediacy is defined as behaviour which
increases psychological closeness between communicators. Research studies in
instructional communication suggest that enhanced instructor immediacy is
linked to more positive student-instructor relationships engendering positive
attitudes, increased interest and motivation by students as well as improved
attendance, retention, engagement and learning. The research question for this
thesis was developed from literature reviews in both the fields of instructional
communication and mobile learning and also from the findings of a number of
preliminary research studies. To address the main research question a year-long
research study was conducted into the use of text messaging for out-of-class
communication and its effects on student perception of instructor immediacy.
Both quantitative measures of immediacy and qualitative feedback from students
show that the instructor is perceived as closer, more approachable and responsive
when text messaging services are offered. The student feedback also shows that
the use of text messaging has other positive effects on student learning
experience, including enhanced motivation and engagement.