Achim Schmalenberger
Senior Lecturer in Microbiology (Biological sciences; Agricultural, veterinary and food sciences; Environmental sciences; Soil sciences; Ecological applications; Bioavailability and ecotoxicology; Ecosystem function; Ecology; Community ecology (excl. invasive species ecology); Terrestrial ecology; Microbial ecology; Microbiology; Food sustainability; Food safety, traceability, certification and authenticity; Food sciences; Organic and low chemical input crop production; Crop and pasture production)
- Inoculation density is affecting growth conditions of Listeria monocytogenes on fresh cut lettuce
- Microbial community structure and function respond more strongly to temporal progression than to the application of slurry in an Irish grassland
- A 3-year multi-food study of the presence and persistence of Listeria monocytogenes in 54 small food businesses in Ireland
- One-time phosphate fertilizer application to grassland columns modifies the soil microbiota and limits its role in ecosystem services
- The influence of aggregate size fraction and horizon position on microbial community composition
- Bacterial Mobilization of Nutrients From Biochar-Amended Soils.
- Biofilms fouling ancient limestone Mayan monuments in Uxmal, Mexico: a cultivation-independent analysis
- Rhizobacteria and plant sulfur supply.
- Chemically and biologically-mediated fertilizing value of manure-derived biochar.
- The role of sulfur- and phosphorus-mobilizing bacteria in biochar-induced growth promotion of Lolium perenne
- Arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphae in grassland select for a diverse and abundant hyphospheric bacterial community involved in sulfonate desulfurization
- Design and Construction of Repacked Soil Columns for Measuring Solute Transport, Plant Growth and Soil Biota
- Drainage class and soil phosphorus availability shape microbial communities in Irish grasslands
- Biological management of selected weeds of wheat through co-application of allelopathic rhizobacteria and sorghum extract
- Nisin application delays growth of Listeria monocytogenes on fresh-cut iceberg lettuce in modified atmosphere packaging, while the bacterial community structure changes within one week of storage
- Growth Potential of Listeria monocytogenes on Refrigerated Spinach and Rocket Leaves in Modified Atmosphere Packaging
- Cultivation Conditions of Spinach and Rocket Influence Epiphytic Growth of Listeria monocytogenes
- Phosphorus Fractions in Temperate Grassland Soils and Their Interactions with Agronomic P Tests
- The role of arbuscular mycorrhiza and organosulfur mobilizing bacteria in plant sulphur supply
- Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Support Plant Sulfur Supply through Organosulfur Mobilizing Bacteria in the Hypho- and Rhizosphere
- Desulfurization of aromatic sulfonates by rhizosphere bacteria: high diversity of the asfA gene
- Bacterial diversity in maize rhizospheres: conclusions on the use of genetic profiles based on PCR-amplified partial small subunit rRNA genes in ecological studies
- High unique diversity of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes characterized in a depth gradient in an acidic fen
- Characterization of main sulfur source of wood-degrading basidiomycetes by S K-edge X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES)
- Sulfonate desulfurization in Rhodococcus from wheat rhizosphere communities
- Study of a depth filter (Disruptor (TM)) for the novel application of reducing SWRO membrane fouling
- Tree-mycorrhiza symbiosis accelerate mineral weathering: Evidences from nanometer-scale elemental fluxes at the hypha-mineral interface
- Constraining global-scale weathering models through nano-scale ectomycorrhiza-mineral interactions
- Fungi on the rocks!
- High resolution functional group mapping of fungi on a mineral surface
- Oxalic acid release in ectomycorrhiza mineral weathering
- Shifts in desulfonating bacterial communities along a soil chronosequence in the forefield of a receding glacier
- Sulfate treatment affects desulfonating bacterial community structures in Agrostis rhizospheres as revealed by functional gene analysis based on asfA
- Mineralogy controls oxalic acid release in mycorrhiza weathering
- Quantifying chemical weathering at the biotite-mycorrhiza interface
- The role of Variovorax and other Comamonadaceae in sulfur transformations by microbial wheat rhizosphere communities exposed to different sulfur fertilization regimes
- Two-dimensional single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) of 16S rRNA gene fragments reveals highly dissimilar bacterial communities in an acidic fen
- Rhizobacteria and plant sulfur supply
- Biofilm community structure in Uxmal Mayan monuments
- The role of bacteria and mycorrhiza in plant sulfur supply
- Profiling the diversity of microbial communities with single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP)
- Oxalate secretion by ectomycorrhizal Paxillus involutus is mineral-specific and controls calcium weathering from minerals
- Degradation of benzo[a]pyrene by bacterial isolates from human skin
- Bacterial communities in grassland turfs respond to sulphonate addition while fungal communities remain largely unchanged
- Bacterial communities established in bauxite residues with different restoration histories
- Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes growth on fresh-cut produce with thyme essential oil and essential oil compound verbenone
- Miscanthus biochar promotes growth of spring barley and shifts bacterial community structures including phosphorus and sulfur mobilizing bacteria
- Sulfate fertilization supports growth of ryegrass in soil columns but changes microbial community structures and reduces abundances of nematodes and arbuscular mycorrhiza
- Responses of soil microbiota and nematodes to application of organic and inorganic fertilizers in grassland columns
- Linking plant growth promoting arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization with bacterial plant sulfur supply
- Genetic profiling of noncultivated bacteria from the rhizospheres of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) reveal field and annual variability but no effect of a transgenic herbicide resistance
- Effect of primers hybridizing to Different evolutionarily conserved regions of the small-subunit rRNA gene in PCR-based microbial community analyses and genetic profiling
- Single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) for microbial community analysis
- Bacterial community composition in the rhizosphere of a transgenic, herbicide-resistant maize (Zea mays) and comparison to its non-transgenic cultivar Bosphore.
- Short Term Impact of Recycling-Derived Fertilizers on Their P Supply for Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne)
- Bacterial communities in the potato tuberosphere share similarities with bulk soil and rhizosphere communities, yet possess distinct features
- Short-Term Impact of Recycling-Derived Fertilizers on Their P Supply for Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne)
- Poultry litter biochar soil amendment affects microbial community structures, promotes phosphorus cycling and growth of barley (Hordeum vulgare)
- Struvites with comparable nitrogen and phosphorus composition have similar agronomic response but shape cherry tomato rhizosphere bacterial community structure differently
- The impact of struvite and ash recycling-derived fertilizers on microbial phosphorus mobilization capabilities and community structure in a Lolium perenne field trial
- Bacterial community structure analysis on Listeria monocytogenes inoculated spinach leaves is affected by PCR based methods to exclude chloroplast co-amplification
- Reuse of Soils Fertilized with Ash as Recycling Derived Fertilizer Revealed Strong Stimulation of Microbial Communities Involved in P Mobilization in Lolium perenne Rhizospheres
- Adsorption of Ammonium, Nitrate, and Phosphate on Hydrochars and Biochars
- Plant and Soil Effects of Alternative Sources of Phosphorous over Three Years of Application
- Cultivation conditions of leafy vegetables determine phyllosphere bacterial community structures and ultimately affect growth of L. monocytogenes post-harvest