- Modelling Place in Ulysses: Ontologies and Pre-texts
- Mapping and Unmapping Joyce: Geoprasing Wandering Rocks
- Digital Scholarship services and supports - an overview from Irish Research and National Libraries
- Digital Scholarship services and supports - an overview from Irish Research and National Libraries
- Europe's Digital Humanities Landscape: A Study From LIBER's Digital Humanities & Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group
- Modelling Geographical Elements in Joyce's Ulysses
- “Getting Wind of a New Opening”: Joyce in the Digital Age Conference, Columbia University, New York, 1 October 2017
- Open a GLAM Lab
- Outcomes of the LIBER Digital Humanities and Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group's survey (2019)
- CONUL Digital Scholarship Survey 2018 Data with Comments
- CONUL Digital Scholarship Survey 2018 Data with Comments
- Outcomes of the LIBER Digital Humanities and Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group's survey (2019)
- Outcomes of the LIBER Digital Humanities and Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group's survey (2019)
- Research Infrastructure Roadmapping Process
- Europe's Digital Humanities Landscape: A Study From LIBER's Digital Humanities & Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group
- LIBER Digital Humanities and Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group: a case study of international collaboration and network building
- Evidence-Based Librarianship: A Case Study of a Print Resource Cancellation Project
- LIBER Webinar: Open a GLAM Lab
- LIBER Webinar: Open a GLAM Lab
- National Open Access Monitoring