University of Limerick

Colum P. Dunne


  • An initial evaluation of the safety of a disposable oscillating positive expiratory pressure device in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a sort-term pilot study.
  • The development and structure of the mesentery.
  • Outcomes of implementation of the FilmArray meningoencephalitis panel in a tertiary hospital between 2017 and 2020.
  • Association between Tocilizumab treatment of hyper-inflammatory patients with COVID-19 in a critical care setting and an elevated incidence of hospital acquired bacterial and invasive fungal infections
  • Compulsory vaccination against COVID-19: a legal and ethical perspective on public good versus personal reticence
  • Assessment of the microbial load of airway clearance devices used by a cohort of children with cystic fibrosis.
  • The evaluation of a training course to enhance intellectual disabilities and mental health awareness amongst General Practitioners attending police stations.
  • Repeated transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in an overcrowded Irish emergency department elucidated by whole genome sequencing.
  • Impact of breastfeeding on the incidence and severity of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)-associated acute lower respiratory infections in infants: a systematic review highlighting the global relevance of primary prevention
  • What is the role of doctors in respect of suspects with mental health and intellectual disabilities in police custody?
  • Off-label novel application of diagnostic multiplex molecular platforms for environmental detection of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales.
  • The evaluation of a training course to enhance intellectual disability awareness amongst law enforcement officers: a pilot study.
  • Epidemiology of dermatomycoses and onychomycoses in Ireland (2001 to 2020): A single-institution review.
  • From nowhere to nowhere. Homelessness and incarceration: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • A hypothesis for association between electrical surgical incision techniques and surgical site infection
  • Hand hygiene practices for prevention of health care-associated infections associated with admitted infectious patients in the emergency department: a systematic review
  • Vulnerable Suspects, Access to a Lawyer and the Right to a Fair Trial in Ireland
  • Exclusive Human Milk Diet for Extremely Premature Infants: A Novel Fortification Strategy That Enhances the Bioactive Properties of Fresh, Frozen, and Pasteurized Milk Specimens.
  • Circulating fibrocyte percentage and neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio are accurate biomarkers of uncomplicated and complicated appendicitis: a prospective cohort study.
  • Antimicrobial Resistance Is Prevalent in E. coli and Other Enterobacterales Isolated from Public and Private Drinking Water Supplies in the Republic of Ireland
  • The collaborative development through multidisciplinary and advocate consensus of an accessible notice of rights for people with intellectual disabilities in police custody.
  • Microbial epidemiology and clinical risk factors of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales amongst Irish patients from first detection in 2009 until 2020.
  • Comparison of verbal and computerised months backwards tests in a hospitalized older population
  • Advances in e-learning in undergraduate clinical medicine: a systematic review.
  • Design and initial testing of a novel disposable oscillating positive expiratory pressure device.
  • Dermatology Mycology Diagnostics in Ireland: National deficits identified in 2022 that are relevant Internationally.
  • A repeated cross‐sectional analysis of breastfeeding initiation rates in Ireland for two decades and 10 recommended priorities for improvement
  • Does the Etiology, Phenomenology and Motor Subtype of Delirium Differ When It Occurs in Patients With An Underlying Dementia?: A Multi-Site, International Study.
  • Whole-genome sequencing to investigate transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the acute healthcare setting: A systematic review.
  • Large-scale characterisation of hospital wastewater system microbiomes and clinical isolates from infected patients: profiling of multidrug-resistant microbial species.
  • Sick Leave Determinants in the Healthcare Sector (Part III): A Review of Individual-Level Factors
  • Sick Leave Determinants in the Healthcare Sector (Part I): A Review of Contextual Factors
  • Sick Leave Determinants in the Healthcare Sector (Part II): A Review of Organizational-Level Factors.
  • Indwelling central venous catheter infection with Chryseobacterium shandongenes, successful eradication in a five-year-old with Cystic Fibrosis.
  • Psychiatrists and homicidal threats: a cross-sectional study.
  • Challenges for people with intellectual disabilities in law enforcement interactions in Ireland; thematic analysis informed by 1537 person-years' experience.
  • Hand hygiene-related clinical trials reported between 2014 and 2020: a comprehensive systematic review.
  • How do delirium motor subtypes differ in phenomenology and contributory aetiology? a cross-sectional, multisite study of liaison psychiatry and palliative care patients.
  • A 2018 hospital-mediated outbreak of 42 measles cases in Ireland: observations regarding emergency department waiting times and staff vaccination levels.
  • ACINETOBACTER BAUMANNII Infection in a Child with Cystic Fibrosis.
  • Psychiatrists and physical health competencies: a cross-sectional survey.
  • A short-term evaluation of a prototype disposable Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) device in a cohort of children with cystic fibrosis.
  • Seroprevalence study of SARS-CoV-2 infection in General Practice in Ireland.
  • Coping with contagions: Maintaining infection prevention and control in an Irish tertiary hospital during COVID and a debilitating nationwide ransomware virus in May 2021.
  • Rise in violence in general practice settings during the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for prevention.
  • Biomarkers in delirium: A systematic review.
  • Corrigendum to "Hand hygiene-related clinical trials reported between 2014 and 2020: a comprehensive systematic review" [J Hosp Infect 111 (2021) 6-26].
  • Prevalence of linezolid-resistant organisms among patients admitted to a tertiary hospital for critical care or dialysis
  • Adults with Crohn's disease exhibit elevated gynoid fat and reduced android fat irrespective of disease relapse or remission.
  • A retrospective observational study of the impact of 16s and 18s ribosomal RNA PCR on antimicrobial treatment over seven years: A tertiary hospital experience
  • A comparative study of hand hygiene and alcohol-based hand rub use among Irish nursing and medical students
  • Hunger strikes in prison: A legal perspective for psychiatrists
  • Outcomes of point-of-care testing for influenza in the emergency department of a tertiary referral hospital in Ireland.
  • Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Dynamics of the human gut microbiome in inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Covid-19: Is it reasonable to ask retired doctors to return to “duty”?
  • The prevalence of major mental illness, substance misuse and homelessness in Irish prisoners: Systematic review and meta-analyses
  • Doctors and death threats: an occupational hazard?
  • Intellectual disabilities in Irish prisons: Could Article 13 of the UNCRPD hold the key?
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy for knee arthritis: a feasibility study in primary care.
  • Personalized medicine should not be restricted to the wealthy.
  • Inclusion of the mesentery in ileocolic resection for Crohn's disease is associated with reduced surgical recurrence.
  • Faculty of 1000 evaluation for A microbial signature for Crohn's disease.
  • Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Cross sectional evaluation of the gut-microbiome metabolome axis in an Italian cohort of IBD patients.
  • AB184. 237. Development of a novel methodology to assess the microbiome of mesenteric lymph nodes incorporating culture and culture-independent methods
  • The human mesenteric lymph node microbiome differentiates between Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
  • Inform rather than ambush CPE patient contacts.
  • Intellectual disability in Irish prisoners: systematic review of prevalence.
  • Opportunities lost may be the greatest cost of CPE outbreaks.
  • AB070. 59. Investigating how the extracellular matrix directs gene expression in breast cancer metastasis
  • E-learning for chest x-ray interpretation improves medical student skills and confidence levels.
  • A novel care pathway for prisoners with intellectual disability designed through a Delphi process.
  • Psychosocial interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in concurrent problem alcohol and illicit drug users.
  • Candidemia in an Irish intensive care unit (ICU) setting between 2004 and 2018 reflects increased incidence of Candida glabrata.
  • Medical management of acute upper respiratory infections in an urban primary care out-of-hours facility: cross-sectional study of patient presentations and expectations.
  • Over prescribing of antibiotics for acute respiratory tract infections; a qualitative study to explore Irish general practitioners' perspectives.
  • Mental healthcare interfaces in a regional Irish prison.
  • The psychiatric management of prisoners on hunger strike: developing a management algorithm using the Delphi technique.
  • Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure Therapy May Be Performed Poorly by Children With Cystic Fibrosis.
  • Oxygenating the argument for consistent performance of anaerobic blood cultures and blood volumes collected.
  • Systemic molecular mediators of inflammation differentiate between Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, implicating threshold levels of IL-10 and relative ratios of pro-inflammatory cytokines in therapy.
  • Hunger strikes and psychiatric care.
  • The clinical utility of three visual attention tests to distinguish adults with ADHD from normal controls.
  • The inherent jurisdiction of the Irish High Court: Interface with psychiatry.
  • A systematic review and meta-analysis of the accuracy of the clock drawing test (CDT) in the identification of delirium in older hospitalised patients.
  • The changing face of Capacity legislation in Ireland: algorithms for clinicians.
  • Anti-Microbial Coating Innovations to prevent infectious disease: a consensus view from the AMiCl COST Action.
  • Reduction in preterm births during the COVID-19 lockdown in Ireland: a natural experiment allowing analysis of data from the prior two decades
  • Collagen and fibronectin promote an aggressive cancer phenotype in breast cancer cells but drive autonomous gene expression patterns
  • Communication, collaboration and contagion: "virtualisation" of anatomy during COVID-19.
  • People with Intellectual Disabilities and the COVID-19 Pandemic.
  • Prisons and the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Comparison of novel tools with traditional cognitive tests in detecting delirium in elderly medical patients.
  • Experiences of people with intellectual disabilities encountering law enforcement officials as the suspects of crime - A narrative systematic review.
  • Proposed hypothesis and rationale for association between mastitis and breast cancer.
  • The relationship between post-surgery infection and breast cancer recurrence. A systematic review.
  • The experience of law enforcement officers interfacing with suspects who have an intellectual disability - A systematic review.
  • Unprecedented reduction in births of very low birthweight (VLBW) and extremely low birthweight (ELBW) infants during the COVID-19 lockdown in Ireland: a 'natural experiment' allowing analysis of data from the prior two decades.
  • Role of circulating fibrocytes in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis.
  • Designing New Antibacterial Wound Dressings: Development of a Dual Layer Cotton Material Coated with Poly(Vinyl Alcohol)_Chitosan Nanofibers Incorporating Agrimonia eupatoria L. Extract.
  • Homelessness amongst psychiatric Inpatients: a cross-sectional study in the mid-west of Ireland.
  • Combined education and skin antisepsis intervention for persistently high blood-culture contamination rates in neonatal intensive care.
  • Medical devices for cystic fibrosis care may be portable reservoirs of potential pathogens.
  • Determination of the lung clearance index (LCI) in a paediatric cystic fibrosis cohort
  • Attention, vigilance, and visuospatial function in hospitalized elderly medical patients: Relationship to delirium syndromal status and motor subtype profile
  • Hand hygiene and compliance behaviours are the under-appreciated human factors pivotal to reducing hospital-acquired infections
  • Children With Cystic Fibrosis May Be Performing Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure Therapy Incorrectly
  • Antibiotic use for acute respiratory tract infections (ARTI) in primary care; what factors affect prescribing and why is it important? A narrative review
  • Hand hygiene: Attitudes and practices of nurses, a comparison between 2007 and 2015
  • Clustered interventions to reduce inappropriate duplicate laboratory tests in an Irish tertiary hospital
  • Foreseeing the microbiology of bespoke 3D-printed medical devices
  • Timely publishing of experiences and sharing of knowledge
  • Specialized cleaning associated with antimicrobial coatings for reduction of hospital-acquired infection: opinion of the COST Action Network AMiCI (CA15114)
  • Detection of Neisseria meningitidis in a paediatric patient with septic arthritis using multiplexed diagnostic PCR targeting meningitis/encephalitis (ME)
  • Hunger strikes in prisons: A narrative systematic review of ethical considerations from a physician's perspective
  • Comparison of cognitive and neuropsychiatric profiles in hospitalised elderly medical patients with delirium, dementia and comorbid delirium--dementia
  • Hunger strikes in prisons: a narrative systematic review of ethical considerations from a physician's perspective
  • Use of 3D printing to create a bespoke repair of a Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) tube in patient unfit for surgical replacement
  • Sleep-wake cycle disturbances in elderly acute general medical inpatients: Longitudinal relationship to delirium and dementia.
  • Colonisation with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) not detected in a prevalence study.
  • A pilot study of performance among hospitalised elderly patients on a novel test of visuospatial cognition: The letter and shape drawing (LSD) test
  • Colonisation with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) not detected in a prevalence study
  • The Impact of a Novel Tool for Comprehensive Assessment of Palliative Care (MPCAT) on Assessment Outcome at 6- and 12-Month Follow-Up.
  • Limerick: forever associated with five lines of rhyme or infamous for irrepressible carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae for all time?
  • The first reported case of Burkholderia contaminans in patients with cystic fibrosis in Ireland: from the Sargasso Sea to Irish Children.
  • An appraisal of the computed axial tomographic appearance of the human mesentery based on mesenteric contiguity from the duodenojejunal flexure to the mesorectal level.
  • Food and beverage cues in children's television programmes: the influence of programme genre.
  • The Letter and Shape Drawing (LSD) test: An efficient and systematised approach to testing of visuospatial function.
  • Benefits of post-operative oral protein supplementation in gastrointestinal surgery patients: A systematic review of clinical trials.
  • Response to letter from Chudleigh et al.: Systematic reviews of hand hygiene in patient care post 2010.
  • Comparison of cognitive and neuropsychiatric profiles in hospitalised elderly medical patients with delirium, dementia and comorbid delirium-dementia.
  • In vitro comparative assessment of the mechanical properties of PMMA cement and a GPC cement for vertebroplasty.
  • Regulation and registration as drivers of continuous professional competence for Irish pre-hospital practitioners: a discussion paper.
  • Hand hygiene-related clinical trials reported since 2010: a systematic review.
  • Concordance between the delirium motor subtyping scale (DMSS) and the abbreviated version (DMSS-4) over longitudinal assessment in elderly medical inpatients.
  • Development of a novel computerised version of the Month Backwards Test: A comparison of performance in hospitalised elderly patients and final year medical students.
  • Attitudes and practices of Irish hospital-based physicians towards hand hygiene and handrubbing using alcohol-based hand rubs, a comparison between 2007 and 2015.
  • Anti-microbial coating innovations to prevent infectious diseases (AMiCI): Cost action ca15114.
  • Becoming patient-centred: sobering insight into CPE-positive patients' experiences of clinical care.
  • Survey of attitudes and practices of Irish nursing students towards hand hygiene, including handrubbing with alcohol-based hand rub.
  • The first occurrence of a CTX-M ESBL-producing Escherichia coli outbreak mediated by mother to neonate transmission in an Irish neonatal intensive care unit.
  • Antimicrobial coating innovations to prevent healthcare-associated infection.
  • Development of the four-item Letter and Shape Drawing test (LSD-4): A brief bedside test of visuospatial function.
  • Subsyndromal delirium compared with delirium, dementia, and subjects without delirium or dementia in elderly general hospital admissions and nursing home residents.
  • Feasibility of alcohol screening among patients receiving opioid treatment in primary care.
  • Attention, vigilance and visuospatial function in hospitalized elderly medical patients: Relationship to neurocognitive diagnosis.
  • An Irish outbreak of New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase (NDM)-1 carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae: increasing but unrecognized prevalence.
  • An optimized work-flow to reduce time-to-detection of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) using direct testing from rectal swabs.
  • Determination of the Lung Clearance Index (LCI) in a Paediatric Cystic Fibrosis Cohort.
  • Faecal Diversion is Associated with a Regression of Mesenteric Disease Manifestations and a Decrease in Circulating Fibrocytes in Crohn's Disease
  • Letter and Shape Drawing Test--4 Item Version
  • The mesocolon: a histological and electron microscopic characterization of the mesenteric attachment of the colon prior to and after surgical mobilization.
  • A case of Panton--Valentine leucocidin toxin-positive Staphylococcus aureus-mediated neonatal mastitis
  • Against the onslaught of endemic carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae, the war is being lost on the Irish Front
  • Beliefs, perceptions and behaviours of GPs towards generic medicines
  • Children's television and nutrition
  • An immunohistochemical and stereological appraisal of mesocolic lymphangiology-implications for surgical technique in resectional colorectal surgery
  • A detailed appraisal of mesocolic lymphangiology--an immunohistochemical and stereological analysis
  • Using electronic medical records to determine prevalence and treatment of mental disorders in primary care: a database study
  • A case of Panton–Valentine leucocidin toxin‐positive Staphylococcus aureus‐mediated neonatal mastitis
  • Months backward test: A review of its use in clinical studies.
  • Food and beverage cues in UK and Irish children-television programming.
  • Awareness of sexually transmitted infection and protection methods among university students in Ireland.
  • General practice career intentions among graduate-entry students: a cross-sectional study at Ireland's newest medical school.
  • A commentary on the disparate perspectives of clinical microbiologists and surgeons: ad hoc antimicrobial use.
  • Using electronic medical records to determine prevalence and treatment of mental disorders in primary care: A database study
  • Children's television and nutrition
  • Exercise portrayal in children’s television programs: Analysis of the UK and Irish programming
  • Enhancing alcohol screening and brief intervention among people receiving opioid agonist treatment: qualitative study in primary care
  • Improving delirium care through early intervention: from bench to bedside to boardroom.
  • A case of failed eradication of cystic fibrosis-related sinus colonisation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
  • A detailed appraisal of mesocolic lymphangiology--an immunohistochemical and stereological analysis.
  • What do people really think of generic medicines? A systematic review and critical appraisal of literature on stakeholder perceptions of generic drugs.
  • Outcomes of Irish graduate entry medical student engagement with self-directed learning of clinical skills.
  • The benefit of taking a control sample when performing bronchoalveolar lavage.
  • A qualitative assessment of practitioner perspectives post-introduction of the first continuous professional competence (CPC) guidelines for emergency medical technicians in Ireland.
  • Psychosocial Interventions for Problem Alcohol Use in Primary Care Settings (PINTA): Baseline Feasibility Data.
  • Children's television and nutrition.
  • Incidence, management and outcomes of the first cfr-mediated linezolid-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis outbreak in a tertiary referral centre in the Republic of Ireland.
  • Perceptions and attitudes of community pharmacists towards generic medicines.
  • Therapeutic use of compression stockings for orthostatic hypotension: an assessment of patient and physician perspectives and practices.
  • Concordance between DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria for delirium diagnosis in a pooled database of 768 prospectively evaluated patients using the delirium rating scale-revised-98.
  • A national study of Continuous Professional Competence (CPC) amongst pre-hospital practitioners.
  • Reducing drinking in concurrent problem alcohol and illicit drug users: an impact story.
  • Anti-RSV prophylaxis efficacy for infants and young children with cystic fibrosis in Ireland.
  • Introducing a novel and robust technique for determining lymph node status in colorectal cancer.
  • Exercise portrayal in children's television programs: analysis of the UK and Irish programming.
  • Remote preconditioning and major clinical complications following adult cardiovascular surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Terminology and nomenclature in colonic surgery: universal application of a rule-based approach derived from updates on mesenteric anatomy.
  • Against the onslaught of endemic carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae, the war is being lost on the Irish Front.
  • Beliefs, perceptions and behaviours of GPs towards generic medicines.
  • A commentary on the disparate perspectives of clinical microbiologists and surgeons: Ad hoc antimicrobial use.
  • Physician and pharmacist perceptions of generic medicines: what they think and how they differ.
  • A commentary on the role of molecular technology and automation in clinical diagnostics.
  • Paediatric diabetes: information-seeking behaviours of families.
  • Food and beverage advertising during children's television programming.
  • The first survey of attitudes of medical students in Ireland towards termination of pregnancy.
  • Reducing drinking in concurrent problem alcohol and illicit drug users: an impact story
  • Clustered multidrug‐resistant Bordetella petrii in adult cystic fibrosis patients in Ireland: case report and review of antimicrobial therapies
  • A case of fatal daptomycin-resistant, vancomycin-resistant enterococcal infective endocarditis in end-stage kidney disease
  • Milford Palliative Care Assessment Tool
  • Perceptions and attitudes of community pharmacists towards generic medicines
  • Phenomenological and biological correlates of improved cognitive function in hospitalized elderly medical inpatients
  • Apparatus for use in the prophylaxis or treatment of tissue
  • Consensus transcriptomic profiles can be utilised to differentiate node negative and node positive colorectal cancer
  • Psychosocial interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in concurrent problem alcohol and illicit drug users
  • From the Sargasso Sea to the West coast of Ireland: The First Reported Cases of Burkholderia Contaminans in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis
  • From biocontrol to cancer, probiotics and beyond
  • Therapeutic use of compression stockings for orthostatic hypotension: an assessment of patient and physician perspectives and practices
  • Terminology and nomenclature in colonic surgery: universal application of a rule-based approach derived from updates on mesenteric anatomy
  • Continuous Professional Competence (CPC) for Irish paramedics and advanced paramedics: a national study
  • General practice career intentions among graduate-entry students: a cross-sectional study at Ireland's newest medical school
  • Concordance between DSM-IV and DSM-5 criteria for delirium diagnosis in a pooled database of 768 prospectively evaluated patients using the delirium rating scale-revised-98
  • Continuous professional competence (CPC) for emergency medical technicians in Ireland: educational needs assessment
  • Food and beverage cues in UK and Irish children---television programming
  • Generic medicines: an evaluation of the accuracy and accessibility of information available on the internet
  • Genetic pre-determinants of concurrent alcohol and opioid dependence: a critical review
  • Surgeon-performed ultrasound at the bedside for the detection of appendicitis and gallstones: systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • General Practice career intentions among graduate-entry students: A cross-sectional study at Ireland's newest medical school
  • Paediatric diabetes: Information-seeking behaviours of families
  • Paediatric diabetes: information-seeking behaviours of families.
  • General practice career intentions among graduate-entry students: a cross-sectional study at Ireland's newest medical school.
  • Perceptions and attitudes of community pharmacists towards generic medicines
  • Key performance indicators for mental health and substance use disorders: A literature review and discussion paper
  • Psychosocial interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in concurrent problem alcohol and illicit drug users.
  • Phenomenological and biological correlates of improved cognitive function in hospitalized elderly medical inpatients.
  • Continuous Professional Competence (CPC) for Irish paramedics and advanced paramedics: a national study.
  • Patient perceptions of generic medicines: a mixed-methods study.
  • Continuous professional competence (CPC) for emergency medical technicians in Ireland: educational needs assessment.
  • Generic medicines: an evaluation of the accuracy and accessibility of information available on the Internet.
  • A method for the design and development of medical or health care information websites to optimize search engine results page rankings on Google.
  • Psychosocial interventions for alcohol use among problem drug users: protocol for a feasibility study in primary care.
  • Delirium: a disturbance of circadian integrity?
  • Integrating postgraduate and undergraduate general practice education: qualitative study.
  • What do we really know about the treatment of delirium with antipsychotics? Ten key issues for delirium pharmacotherapy.
  • What is the difference between deontological and consequentialist theories of medical ethics?
  • Research confuses me: what is qualitative research & what is the difference between grounded theory and phenomenology?
  • What is the difference between sensitivity and specificity? Or positive predictive value and negative predictive value? And what's a ROC if it's not a type of bird?
  • What are the differences between common statistical tests?
  • What are the differences between a literature search, a literature review, a systematic review and a meta-analysis? And why is a systematic review considered to be so good?
  • An evidence-based assessment of primary care needs in an economically deprived urban community.
  • What is a randomised controlled trial?
  • Research confuses me: what is the difference between case-control and cohort studies in quantitative research?
  • What's the difference between PubMed and MEDLINE? And how do you best search MEDLINE anyway?
  • Students in medical school become involved in research for many reasons.
  • A review of the differences and similarities between generic drugs and their originator counterparts, including economic benefits associated with usage of generic medicines, using Ireland as a case study.
  • Towards vertical integration in general practice education: literature review and discussion paper.
  • From biocontrol to cancer, probiotics and beyond.
  • Primary care support for youth mental health: a preliminary evidence base for Ireland's Mid-West.
  • First evaluation of CPD advanced paramedic teaching methods in Ireland
  • Consensus transcriptomic profiles can be utilised to differentiate node negative and node positive colorectal cancer
  • What is the difference between deontological and consequentialist theories of medical ethics?
  • What's the difference between common statistical tests?
  • What are the differences between a literature search, a literature review, a systematic review and a meta-analysis? And why is a systematic review considered to be so good?
  • Synbiotic consumption modulates cancer risk biomarkers in colon cancer and polypectomised human subjects.
  • The Mesocolon--A Histological Characterisation of the Mesenteric Attachment of the Colon
  • Induction of apoptosis in 786-0 renal cell carcinoma by reactive oxygen species is ERK1/2-, p38$δ$ and $γ$ MAPK-and Pak-1-dependent but JNK-independent
  • Towards vertical integration in general practice education: literature review and discussion paper
  • The influence of synbiotic consumption on proliferation in the mucosa of polypectomised human subjects
  • Research confuses me: what is the difference between case-control and cohort studies in quantitative research?
  • What's the difference between PubMed and MEDLINE? and how do you best search MEDLINE anyway?
  • Application of the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) to generate and validate consensus transcriptomic profiles that accurately differentiate nodal status in colorectal cancer
  • vhl: Op013 gene mutations in renal cancer are not predictive of hypoxic gene regulation or dissemination of cancer cells: Op013
  • The influence of synbiotic consumption on cancer risk biomarkers in previously resected colon cancer subjects
  • Anterior knee pain in competitive cyclists.
  • Students in medical school become involved in research for many reasons.
  • An evaluation and application of publically available microarray data repositories in colorectal cancer-generation and enrichment of a consensus profile differentiating colorectal primary and metastatic tumours
  • Research confuses me: what is qualitative research & what is the difference between grounded theory and phenomenology?
  • What is the difference between sensitivity and specificity? Or positive predictive value and negative predictive value? And what'sa ROC if It's not a type of bird?
  • Psychosocial interventions for problem alcohol use in illicit drug users
  • Psychosocial interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in concurrent problem alcohol and illicit drug users: Cochrane Review.
  • Children in hospital in Ireland--what do they eat and what do they weigh: a cross-sectional study.
  • Induction of apoptosis in renal cell carcinoma by reactive oxygen species: involvement of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2, p38delta/gamma, cyclooxygenase-2 down-regulation, and translocation of apoptosis-inducing factor.
  • Correlation of probiotic Lactobacillus salivarius growth phase with its cell wall-associated proteome.
  • Combined electric field and ultrasound therapy as a novel anti-tumour treatment.
  • Probiotics: an emerging therapy.
  • The development of novel flexible electrode arrays for the electrochemotherapy of solid tumour tissue. (Potential for endoscopic treatment of inaccessible cancers).
  • Role of probiotics in the treatment of intestinal infections and inflammation.
  • Successful application of targeted electrochemotherapy using novel flexible electrodes and low dose bleomycin to solid tumours.
  • Prevalence of bone marrow micrometastases in esophagogastric cancer patients with and without neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy.
  • Editorial
  • Mechanisms of adherence of a probiotic Lactobacillus strain during and after in vivo assessment in ulcerative colitis patients
  • Psychosocial interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in concurrent problem alcohol and illicit drug users.
  • Sterilization of scrambled eggs in military polymeric trays by radio frequency energy
  • What is a randomised controlled trial?
  • What's the difference between PubMed and MEDLINE? And how do you best search MEDLINE anyway?
  • Students in medical school become involved in research for many reasons.
  • Research confuses me: what is qualitative research & what is the difference between grounded theory and phenomenology?
  • What is the difference between sensitivity and specificity? Or positive predictive value and negative predictive value? And what's a ROC if it's not a type of bird?
  • What are the differences between a literature search, a literature review, a systematic review and a meta-analysis? And why is a systematic review considered to be so good?
  • The development of novel flexible electrode arrays for the electrochemotherapy of solid tumour tissue. (Potential for endoscopie treatment of inaccessible cancers)
  • Research confuses me: what is the difference between case-control and cohort studies in quantitative research?
  • What is the difference between deontological and consequentialist theories of medical ethics?
  • What are the differences between common statistical tests?
  • A randomised controlled trial of a probiotic Lactobacillus strain in healthy adults: Assessment of its delivery, transit and influence on microbial flora and enteric immunity
  • Electrotherapy of tumour cells using flexible electrode arrays
  • What answers does the Internet provide for patients in Ireland with questions about generic medicines?
  • Psychosocial interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in concurrent problem alcohol and illicit drug users.
  • Genotoxicity of fecal water in a free-living Irish population.
  • Post-Exercise Feeding of Carbohydrate-Protein Beverages on Subsequent Endurance Performance
  • Mechanisms of Adherence of aProbiotic LactobacillusStrain during and afterin vivoAssessment in Ulcerative Colitis Patients
  • Probiotic Bacteria and the Human Immune
  • Probiotic human bifidobacteria: Selection of a new strain and evaluation in vitro and in vivo
  • Inhibition of egg hatch of the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis by chitinase-producing bacteria
  • Box 1. The PROBDEMO probiotic strains
  • The survival and colonic adhesion of Bifidobacterium infantis in patients with ulcerative colitis.
  • Role of 2,4-Diacetylphloroglucinol in the Interactions of the Biocontrol Pseudomonad Strain F113 with the Potato Cyst Nematode Globodera rostochiensis.
  • Management of Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (SAB) in the oncology patient: Further evidence supports prompt removal of central venous catheters and shorter duration of intravenous antimicrobial therapy
  • Assessment of the FilmArray® multiplex PCR system and associated meningitis/encephalitis panel in the diagnostic service of a tertiary hospital
  • In vitro selection criteria for probiotic bacteria of human origin: Correlation with in vivo findings
  • In vivo assessment of potential probiotic Lactobacillus salivarius strains: Evaluation of their establishment, persistence, and localisation in the murine gastrointestinal tract
  • Role of probiotics in the treatment of intestinal infections and inflammation
  • Ecological interaction of a biocontrol Pseudomonas fluorescens strain producing 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol with the soft rot potato pathogen Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica
  • Mechanisms involved in biocontrol by microbial inoculants
  • The influence of in-egg mortality and spontaneous hatching on the decline of Globodera rostochiensis during crop rotation in the absence of the host potato crop in the field
  • Pseudomonads isolated from within fruit bodies of Tuber borchii are capable of producing biological control or phytostimulatory compounds in pure culture
  • Role of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol in the interactions of the biocontrol pseudomonad strain F113 with the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis
  • Biological control of Pythium ultimum by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia W81 is mediated by an extracellular proteolytic activity
  • Adaptation of bacteria to the intestinal niche: probiotics and gut disorder.
  • In vitro selection criteria for probiotic bacteria of human origin: correlation with in vivo findings.
  • Overproduction of an inducible extracellular serine protease improves biological control of Pythium ultimum by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia strain W81.
  • Probiotics: towards demonstrating efficacy.
  • The influence of in-egg mortality and spontaneous hatching on the decline of Globodera rostochiensis during crop rotation in the absence of the host potato crop in the field.
  • Probiotics: from myth to reality. Demonstration of functionality in animal models of disease and in human clinical trials.
  • Combining proteolytic and phloroglucinol-producing bacteria for improved biocontrol of Pythium-mediated damping-off of sugar beet.
  • Inhibition of egg hatch of the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis by chitinase-producing bacteria.
  • Ecological interaction of a biocontrol Pseudomonas fluorescens strain producing 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol with the soft rot potato pathogen Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica
  • In vitro selection criteria for probiotic bacteria of human origin: correlation with in vivo findings
  • Probiotic human bifidobacteria: Selection of a new strain and evaluation in vitro and in vivo
  • Immunologic response to a novel probiotic organism in patients with active Crohn's disease
  • The microbial pathology of maternal perinatal sepsis: A single-institution retrospective five-year review
  • Indwelling central venous catheter infection with Chryseobacterium shandongense - successful eradication in a 5-year-old with cystic fibrosis.
  • A novel characterised multidrug-resistant Pseudocitrobacter isolated from a patient colonised while admitted to a tertiary teaching hospital
  • People With Intellectual Disabilities as Accused Persons in the Irish Policing Interface
  • Seek and you shall find: Yersinia enterocolitica in Ireland’s drinking water
  • Casting light on the links between delirium, infection, and dementia risk.
  • Influence of an Early Human Milk Diet on the Duration of Parenteral Nutrition and Incidence of Late-Onset Sepsis in Very Low Birthweight (VLBW) Infants: A Systematic Review.
  • Neonatal bacteraemia in Ireland: A ten-year single-institution retrospective review
  • Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase-Producing Bacteria from Hospital Wastewater Pipes: Isolation, Characterisation, and Biofilm Control using Common Disinfectants.
  • More than just the gene: investigating expression using a non-native plasmid and host and its impact on resistance conferred by β-lactamase OXA-58 isolated from a hospital wastewater microbiome.

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Clodagh O'Gorman

Clodagh O'Gorman

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